*I received the featured product free of charge in order to give an honest review. No other product or monetary compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own and others may have a different opinion. Products received will never influence the content, topics, or posts made on this blog.**
How I Increased my Milk Supply in Just One Week!!
I am a part time pumping mom. I work only part time so I usually pump while I am at work and then I am able to nurse my baby for the other feedings throughout the week. My baby is currently 5 months old and he is my third child. With my first two I wasn't able to nurse them very long.....at least that is what I had thought at the time. I have a 10 year gap between my baby and my next child up so for me this was completely starting over. With my first two children I stopped nursing around 4-5 months. I never felt like I had enough milk for them so I in turn just ended up giving up and feeding them formula. For my first child I also went to work when he was 4 months old and didn't know anything about pumping so I just put him on formula at that time. This time around I was determined to go as long as I can with this baby.
I hadn't given him any formula yet at all. I had been strictly breastfeeding. For me it was a means to save money because formula is so expensive. So when my milk supply suddenly dropped I was devastated. I had a trip to the ER for an extreme migraine that I had for 10 days straight. They ended up giving me some medication through an IV which they said they weren't sure if it would decrease my milk supply when I asked. (Later I found out from other doctors and health professionals that they knew that it would decrease my supply so they weren't sure why they gave me that medicine in the ER since I am a nursing mother.)
After having this medicine my milk supply almost completely dried up!! My baby was fussy all the time and so I just kept nursing as much as I could and was dipping into my frozen supply that I had in my freezer. This kept my baby somewhat satisfied. I was pumping extra at this time just to stimulate and get my milk production back up. Nothing was working! My doctor had told me to just keep at it so that is exactly what I did.
I was only getting 1/2 oz from each side during a pumping session. So I was only getting one ounce total!! This was so hard for me because before my ER visit I was pumping about 3-4 ounces in one pumping session of 20 minutes.
I was desperate to try anything I could to increase my milk supply but didn't have much time to do a lot of extra pumping sessions. I decided to go the route of trying supplements rather than power pumping sessions.
I had first ordered a supplement that I heard was supposed to increase your milk supply. I ordered that supplement and then tried it for a few days. It was a bottle of drops. They tasted absolutely disgusting and I didn't have much success at all with them. I felt like I had just wasted $30. So I needed to find another option.
I had used FairHaven Health products in the past and noticed that they had breastfeeding supplements. I was SO excited to have the opportunity to be able to review this product. I was very hopeful because I really liked the other fertilaid products from FairHaven Health that I had tried in the past.
I decided I was just going to try the supplements and do nothing more than what I was already doing to try and increase my milk supply.
I was pleasantly surprised!!
The thing I liked the best about these products is that I wasn't having to take the nasty drops. I love these capsules because you don't have to deal with the nasty taste that you get with some of the other breastfeeding supplements. They are also so much easier to take.
My only hesitation was the Nursing Time Tea because I was scared of the taste. This tea was actually not bad at all. None of the flavors were too potent for me to handle like I thought they would be. Nursing Time Tea has a nice lemon flavor that helps balance out the other flavors. I'm not usually a huge herbal tea drinker because I just can't stomach the taste of most of them. Some of the herbal teas just remind me of many flavors I have tasted growing up that I had a huge dislike for. I was so glad when this tea had such a mellow taste. I was able to drink this tea just fine.

Now on to the results.......Here is what I was able to pump after using these products for just one week. I went from pumping 1 ounce total to 3 ounces total. Still not what other people may be able to pump or maybe not what I would expect after comparing myself to others......but these results made me ecstatic! I also noticed my milk was a better quality. I didn't change anything else in my routine other than taking these supplements. I was already drinking TONS of water and a little Gatorade each day because that had helped me in the past. I didn't do any extra pumping or anything during the week to increase my milk supply. I actually only pump about 8-12 times total a week depending on how many hours I work. I only pump to replace the feedings I miss while I am at work.

After trying these supplements I ended up with a much happier baby!! I did talk to the doctor a week ago and did a weight check and we do now have to supplement one feeding per day with formula to get his weight up but I am absolutely ok with that because I know I am doing my best as a mom. I'm just SO happy to be able to nurse him as much as I can. Thanks to FairhavenHealth Products I can do that!!
I will definitely continue to use these products.
If you are struggling with a decrease in milk supply or just have low milk supply I highly recommend trying these products.
Do whatever you feel is best for your own life and your baby. Whatever your best is that is definitely good enough. You are a great mom......remember that!!
We sure love our happy little man!! :)
*I received the featured product free of charge in order to give an honest review. No other product or monetary compensation was received. All opinions are 100% my own and others may have a different opinion. Products received will never influence the content, topics, or posts made on this blog.**